4 September 2021

Starting date of semester 3 for class of 20 (2 year students) and complimentary courses

Reference is made to the announcement of CIDI Chanapatana, number 6/2021 ‘Study guidelines for the Academic Year 2021 for Batch 20 (Year 2)’ dated 6 July 2021, mentioned that both programmes of study are scheduled to start on Saturday 18 and Monday 20 September. However, several confirmed cases have been founded continuously.

CIDI Chanapatana, therefore deems appropriate to postpone the starting date of semester 3 to Saturday 20 and Monday 22 November 2021.

However, CIDI Chanapatana recognises the importance of continuity and reviewing of learning; therefore, the institute provides online supplementary courses for 3 months from mid-September to mid-November 2021 for batch 20 (year 2), both Interior & Product Design and Fashion Design without charges.

Subjects and class schedules of supplementary courses have already been attached herewith.

If the situation changes, an announcement will be made accordingly.

Announced on Friday, 3 September 2021.

Chanapatana International Design Institute